HIV/AIDS-related mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Glob Health Action.

29 Oct 2014
Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A, Hanifi SM, Alam N, Millogo O, Sié A, Zabré P, Rossier C, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Kone S, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Abera SF, Melaku YA, Weldearegawi B, Gomez P, Jasseh M, Ansah P, Azongo D, Kondayire F, Oduro A, Amu A, Gyapong M, Kwarteng O, Kant S, Pandav CS, Rai SK, Juvekar S, Muralidharan V, Wahab A, Wilopo S, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Khagayi S, Laserson KF, Nyaguara A, Van Eijk AM, Ezeh A, Kyobutungi C, Wamukoya M, Chihana M, Crampin A, Price A, Delaunay V, Diallo A, Douillot L, Sokhna C, Gómez-Olivé FX, Mee P, Tollman SM, Herbst K, Mossong J, Chuc NT, Arthur SS, Sankoh OA, Byass P.